Washlet Goes Beyond Luxury, Offers a Helping Hand
As a people-first company, TOTO's Washlet offers more to the unseeing eye than a tech-savvy, luxury product. Not only does the Washlet...

A Westerner's guide to Japanese toilets
Check out this featured article at engadget.com: http://www.engadget.com/2014/05/09/westerners-guide-to-japanese-toilets/ #toto

TOTO creates 'Cadillac' of toilet seats
Check out this article by Seth Stevenson of slate.com (featured in The South Florida Sun-Sentinel): http://www.slate.com/articles/technol...
TOTO's eWater+ Technology
TOTO's eWater+ technology is employed on Toto's new S300e and S350e Washlets, as well as 550H and 700H Neorestes. It helps keep your...